

I have divided understandings of monotheism into three main classifications:

Abrahamic Monotheism Traditions

The belief in a single God is held by the Abrahamic traditions. Judaism hold’s God’s name in the highest respect and so spell it G-d and use other names such as Adonai, YHWH (Yahweh), El Shaddai and El R0i. Muslims use the Arabic word for God, Allah, to refer to God. Christianity understands God as a single being as three persons or expressions in the Trinity of Father, Son (Jesus) and Holy Spirit.

General Monotheism

Many people who are spiritual, but not religious or multi-traditional or who simply no longer identify with a religious institution will use the general term of God.

Philosophical Monotheism

Western philosophy offers several models for understanding of the relationship between God and God’s creation. These include:

  • Deism is the belief that there is a separate, creator God, but who is no longer actively involved in its development.
  • Theism is the belief that there is a separate, creator God who remains actively involved with all of creation, especially humanity.
  • Pantheism is the belief that the creator and the creation are one in the same things.
  • Panentheism is the belief that the creation is completely embedded in the creator, but the creator is larger than creation by itself.